How Gratitude Helps Your Business


Just how powerful is gratitude? In our business, it’s not only an emotional act and a show of good faith, it’s an important part of achieving your goals.

Saying thank you is an emotional act. It doesn't just acknowledge someone's effort, kindness, intent, or action. It recognizes the person himself. It's even more important than acknowledging the principal person you are doing business with because it sets a tone for discussion. And it is a winning tone. When you suffuse your preliminary actions with gratitude, it shines out of you as a penumbra of generosity.
Showing gratitude in both ways, on your own by acknowledging your accomplishments and thanking others, is an important part of achieving your goals and a great way to keep up with your networking connections. Just make sure that you are being genuine. Here are a few tips on how to show gratitude to your networking connections.